Innovation driven by Technology
With our products, we focus on new and emerging markets and applications.
AidePDM Product Document Management System
AidePDM offers you a one stop shop to cover the full document life cycle. Managing Partnumbers, managing Documents and finally link them together. All in ONE tool!
The Benefits are:
✅ Creating & managing Part numbers in a Database
✅ Controlling Documentation related to a Product
✅ Release process of parts and Documents
✅ Digital Signature
✅ ISO 9001 ready
UAV Systems Integration
Pace21 offers a UAV Avionic and safety System which provides:
- Generic and flexible architecture
- Mission and Systems Management
- Small to midsize UAVs
We design for a green future, with the goal of zero emission operations.
We see the hydrogen and electric propulsion as the future of unmanned missions.
Solving key issues like endurance, handling and maintainablitly
We invest in safe and carefree management and handling (applying aerospace safety process) in Hydrogen powered UAVs
Our solution is a modular and scalable fuel cell unit, easy to integrate into a wide range of UAVs.

Payload Interface & data processing
Integration of Payload, whether it is Data or physical payload, is always a challenge. Pace21 is addressing this with standardizing the Interfaces and offering the OEM and 3rd party Integrators a much more streamlined integration process.
The Benefits are:
- Standardized interface Mechanical &Electrical
- Easy integration and deployment of Missions and Software
- Multiple payload integration with advanced interchangeability